Buying a home could possibly be the biggest purchase of your life thus far. I am here to help you thoroughly understand the steps of the home buying process; connect you with financing and legal choices; and most importantly to help you find the place that you call home. As we look for you new home, consider the following:
The features you would like in a home, consider your “must have” vs. your negotiable amenities
What neighborhood(s) align with your personal and work needs?
What support you desire from me during the process?
I will meet with you, learn your needs and assist you on the journey, to:
Provide you with the basics of mortgage financing, possible financing options and connect you with loan officers to get you pre-approved
Provide you with all available properties that meet your home buying criteria through the Multiple Listing Service (MLS)
Set up showing appointments to look at properties
Assemble and present your Offer to Purchase to the seller, including: contracts, additional agreements and property disclosures
Negotiate on your behalf
Work with your mortgage lender, attorneys and the seller, post offer acceptance, to finalize all paperwork and conditions to get you to the closing table
Dedicated to you. It has been always my mission to bring my clients home. Contact me today!
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